In Node.js, a single process is used to handle many concurrent clients by taking advantage of the hypothesis that the majority of the time spent responding to server requests involves waiting for I/O, which includes waiting for other networked resources to become available. Node.js and programs written for it are essentially designed to use cooperative multitasking, allowing a central loop to manage tasks and call them when their resources are available. However, as a consequence of JavaScript’s implementation, true continuations are not available, so tasks cannot be written in a single, uniform control flow that suspends the task on I/O, resuming it in place when data is available (however, libraries exist for this purpose).
Instead, an asynchronous approach is used: when an I/O request is made, a callback is also supplied, to be invoked when the data is available. This technique is frequently generalized to include all or most library interfaces, because it provides greater consistency to simply assume that all information is available either asynchronously or synchronously, rather than burdening the programmer with additional requirements to remember which approach a specific function uses. Sometimes this is referred to as continuation passing style, because data is never passed back to a calling context via return; instead it is forwarded to the next function as an argument.
Despite the advantages of an asynchronous structure for multitasking, code that makes frequent use of callbacks, including nesting callbacks, can quickly become spaghetti code and create a maintenance nightmare. Consider this snippet, which uses express and node-mysql to handle a web request by pulling data from a database and returning it in JSON format:
// Note that error handling is omitted for brevity and simplicity"/:id", function(req, res) {
var id = parseInt( || 1;
pool.getConnection(function(err, conn) {
conn.query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', id, function(err2, rows) {
All of the functions are defined locally and anonymously, growing inward as each callback is added. Of course, we can suspend our instinct for good style just this once and not add additional indentation for callbacks, because there will be no code in the parent context, but this is only a small stopgap. Really, the problem is that we're defining callbacks exactly where they are used, which limits our ability to reuse them. An improvement, then, would be to restructure our code as a series of complete functions, and then pass them by name as callbacks, which permits better reuse and avoids the infinite tower of indentation, but it is not without its own problems:
function send_user_info(res, err, rows) {
// ... error checking here
function get_user_info(id, res, err, conn) {
// ... error checking here
conn.query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', id, _.partial(send_user_info, res));
function handle_id(req, res) {
var id = parseInt( || 1;
pool.getConnection(_.partial(get_user_info, id, res));
server.get('/:id', handle_id);
One immediate problem with this style is that we now have to pass parameters into the other functions, as we cannot rely on creating closures with anonymous functions. The solution I've chosen here involves using the underscore library to perform "partial execution" and specify some of the parameters to be passed to the function. Effectively this just wraps the function in an anonymous function that forwards the given arguments, but overall it is much cleaner (and shorter) to write out.
This solution is really not ideal for more complex code, even if it looks acceptable for the example given here. Lots of attempts have been made to deal with this. I could spend the next week going over existing solutions like promises, deferred, and Q, but I would instead like to introduce a different solution that I have been working on for a while, a control flow library that is called flux-link. The library aims to mimic an overall synchronous code flow while providing a shared local state object that can be used to avoid partial execution and (very dangerous) global variables. Let's start by reworking the above example to use flux-link:
var fl = require('flux-link');
function get_db(env, after) {
function get_user_info(env, after, err, conn) {
// ... error checking
conn.query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?',, after);
function send_user_info(env, after, err, rows) {
// ... error checking
handle_id = new fl.Chain(get_db, get_user_info, send_user_info);
server.get('/:id', function(req, res) {
var init_env = {
id : parseInt( || 1,
req : req,
res : res
var env = new fl.Environment(init_env, console.log);, env, null);
This code looks very similar to the second example above (intentionally so, this does not use all of the library features), except that we no longer need partial evaluation to specify any of our callbacks. Instead, data is passed through the environment variable, which is made available to each callback in turn, as private, local state. Each callback that is to be used in the chain must accept two specific arguments: env and after, which hold the environment and a reference to the next callback in the chain, but thanks to the magic of partial execution, these are already bound inside each "after" parameter, so user code does not need to be aware of them. This means that chained callbacks can be passed to other library code (such as when after is passed to pool.getConnection()) and will behave as expected, receiving all of the parameters that are normally supplied by the library, in addition to the environment and next callback.
But, when you look closely at it, this code can be improved even further, with better modularity, as the argument passing introduces unnecessary coupling between function prototypes, and even a generic function to set up routes in express and automatically invoke callback chains. To demonstrate this, let's add another route and another chain to retrieve information about another type of entity tracked on our website, groups, which will have a very similar implementation to users:
var fl = require('flux-link');
function init_db(env, after) {
pool.getConnection(function(err, conn) {
// ... Check for connection error
env.conn = conn;
function get_user_info(env, after) {
var id = parseInt( || 1;
env.conn.query('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', id, after);
function get_group_info(env, after) {
var id = parseInt( || 1;
env.conn.query('SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `id` = ?', id, after);
function print_result0(env, after, err, rows) {
// ... error check
function create_route_handler(chain) {
return function(req, res) {
var init_env = {req : req, res : res};
env = new fl.Environment(init_env, console.log);, env, null);
var handle_user = new fl.Chain(init_db, get_user_info, print_result0);
var handle_group = new fl.Chain(init_db, get_group_info, print_result0);
server.get('/users/:id', create_route_handler(handle_user));
server.get('/groups/:id', create_route_handler(handle_group));
Importantly, init_db
, create_route_handler
, and even print_result0
can be implemented once as part of an internal library and then used to
construct websites with only minimal project-specific code. Furthermore, chains
can be constructed out of other chains. So, it is easily possible to create a
"pre-routing" type chain that performs mandatory tasks such as establishing a
database connection, parsing session data, or whatever else you need, and a
"post-routing" chain that might fetch additional data required on every page
(say, users online count, for a forum, or notification information). By storing
data in the environment, you can designate an output object, write to it during
your per-route chain, and then have the final step of the post-route handler be
to pass the output object through a template renderer and then send the result
to the browser. Although it is much more sophisticated, this is the basic
premise of a system I use internally to implement projects.
The flux-link library itself has many additional features, such as proper exception handling, call trace generation (to aid in debugging), and utility functions to replace common tasks (such as checking for errors and throwing exceptions). The project is MIT Licensed, hosted on github and is also available in (hopefully) stable releases on npm. I have plans to expand its capabilities in the future, including a proper looping construct (although loops inside chains can be implemented already, it is a little tricky to do so) as well as adding solutions to any other control flow problems that I may come across that fit with the theme of creating callback chains. Comments, bug reports, suggestions, and any other feedback is welcome, here, on github, or anywhere else that you may be able to reach me.